How to automatically logout a user when they submit a form - RSForm Pro Joomla
This technique can be used on absolutely any form you want, but what we want to do is automatically log out the user after they submit a form. To do this we are using RSform Pro and the Quick Logout component in Joomla 2.5.
The first thing I’ve done is I downloaded and installed Quick Logout.
Now you’re going to create a new menu item. Just call it logout and link it to the menu item quick logout and the redirect page is going to be to our thank you page. To create your own thank-you page go into your content and create an article.
Now login to your webpage and find the URL to your logout menu item. You may have to login to see it.
Go to RS form Pro, manage forms, and pull up the form that you’re working on.
Under Properties, Form Info, set “Show Thank-you message” to no. This will also automatically remove the continue button.
Now enter in the URL of your logout menu in the “Return URL” field and save.
This will cause that when the form is submitted successfully, the user will be redirected to the logout link, which will automatically log the user out of the website, and then forward them to the thank-you page, or wherever else you want them to be forwarded to.
Still not making sense? Watch the tutorial video for a better understanding on how to automatically logout a user when they submit a form.