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Flexible logo packages

All of our logos are hand drawn in Adobe Illustrator to produce crisp vector logo files for you and your business. Your logo will look amazing on the side of a building or on your business card, and we will give you the complete vector file so you have what you need, when you need it.

Let us help.

Your logo is the face of your business. It’s the first thing that a potential customer will notice.

A logo is much more than just an image; it's how your clients recognize you. It's an important foundation for the branding of your company.

Adding or redesigning your logo gives you the ability to reach out to your customers in a visually creative way. When people can easily remember your logo, you have a competitive edge.

Developing your logo design takes time. Redesigning may seem daunting and overwhelming. It doesn't have to be. Let us help!

At Bankert Marketing all of our logos are hand-drawn in Adobe Illustrator to produce crisp vector logo files for you and your business. Your logo will look amazing on the side of a building or your business card, and we will give you the complete vector file so you have what you need, when you need it. 

With our flexible logo packages, you can pick between personal, business, or business and stationary logo to suit the needs of your business.

Your business is important, let us take care of it for you. Contact us today to get started on your logo design.

What is a vector logo?

A vector logo is an image file based on math rather than on pixels. This means that when you increase the size of the image, the file recalculates all the points so your image is just as clean and crisp on the sign of your shop as it is on your business card.

How can we help you?

Many business owners come to us with a logo that was designed for them by another designer, an online logo maker, a student or their nephew who happens to have Photoshop on his computer.
The problem is, the logo they end up with is not a vector logo, it's just an image. And sometimes a bad image.

We can help you by taking your logo and converting it into a true vector file.

How do I get one?

We only design our logos as vector files. If you're not getting a vector file, you're not getting a logo file. You're just getting an image.
There is a difference.

Contact us and we can convert your existing image into a vector logo or recreate it as a logo from scratch.

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Hand Drawn Logos

We make all of our logos on Adobe Illustrator, and provide you with all the files you'll need to showcase your beautiful new logo. These files allow for your logo to be anywhere from the side of a building, to a car wrap, to a business card.

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Make The Right Impression

We understand that a logo is something that can make or break a first impression. We ensure clean, crisp, professional logos to represent you and your company accurately and in the best light with flexible logo packages.

Check Out Some of Our Logos: