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Accessibility Plans

Make your website accessible to all of your visitors with our Accessibility Packages

Adding accessibility tools to your website makes your site more inclusive and increases the number of people who can learn about your business.

Why Improve Accessibility on Your website?

Help More Users Access Your Website

Millions of people with disabilities, including many seniors, have trouble accessing websites every day. Whether it be vision problems or other impairments, accessibility tools are designed to solve this problem.

Give Users The Tools They Need

All packages offer a small, optional, accessibility button with a pop-out when clicked. Users can use this panel to increase text size or increase contrast, along with many other options. This leaves your webdesign the same for most users but also provides custom assistance for those who need it.

All Users Appreciate Accessibility

Improving web accessibility benefits everyone. Accessibility aligns with good user-experience principles, which is the foundation for a practical easy-to-use and attractive website. By considering a wide range of users during the design process, websites become more user-friendly for everyone.

Other Benefits

Meet Expanding Canadian Regulations
Much like other regulations that help make the world more accessible, (such as wheelchair access & parking) there are also regulations to help with digital accessibility. The goal is to help all website users access the information they need.

Rank Higher In Google Search
Google search results rank accessible websites higher than non-accessible websites.

Accessibility is required by law

Here is a list of the accessiblity laws for your province. 

Accessibility Package Features


Optional pop-out panel with customisation tools, including:

Multiple colour and contrast settings for specific disabilities

Screen Reader

Read-only mode


Meets ADA, AODA, EAA, WCAG standards

Optional pop-out panel with customisation tools, including:

Multiple colour and contrast settings for specific disabilities
AI screen reader
Read-only mode
Keyboard navigation

Accessibility statement & certification
Monthly AI-Powered accessibility compliance audits
Litigation Support Package


Meets ADA, AODA, EAA, WCAG standards

Optional pop-out panel with customisation tools, including:

Multiple colour and contrast settings for specific disabilities
AI screen reader
Read-only mode
Keyboard navigation

Accessibility statement & certification
Monthly AI-Powered accessibility compliance audits
Litigation Support Package

Daily AI-Powered compliance monitoring

Priority Support

Monthly remediation report with full documentation

Google Analytics Integration

We understand that each business is different. We want to help you meet those needs by taking care of the hassle for you. 

improve accessibility

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